Finger prints

"When you stop believing you are unique, something begins to die inside of you. What is it in the human spirit that insists on it's uniqueness? It is not enough for us to simply exist. That every one of us has a unique fingerprint means more to us than simply improvements in forensics. We are nothing less than driven to find our own paths, make our own way, be our own person." Edward Raphael McManus- Excerpt from his book 'Soul Cravings'

Don't forget that your heart is still beating. Snap out of the haze! You are a walking miracle! It is not a random coincidence that you breath the next breath. No, today is your day. The Lord of Heaven and Earth crafted you intrinsically and beautifully; setting you in time. He gave you a smile unlike any other and he moulded a passion in your soul that will never be duplicated.

Take Comfort, close your eyes and drift away but only for a moment. Awake and grab on to your destiny. Run toward the fear, I dare you! The faster you run the more mesmerizing the ride becomes.

It is ok. The cliff in the distance is safe. There is a safety netting prepared to brace your fall. Just get up and accept the freedom. The day is yours and you are loved just as you are.

I have forgotten for long periods of time that I am even breathing. This happens repeatedly. In time though I wake up from my slumber and realize I am still alive. One reason why I know I am alive is because I feel, struggle and ache from the inside. I am self loathing, judgemental of others, extremely envious..In the centre of my sin is an amnesia of who I am and who you are..I forget the value of myself and disregard the strangers that surround me. I disregard their depth and their humanity. How sad, how wrong. Help me to love, like you love each of us!

You know us each by name. You know our fingerprints, our depths, our fears, pains, shame, anger, joy, strengths and you love us each more than we understand.


This is awesome!

So I went back and read all your old postings too... Hope you post regularly, I'll be watching!
Jadon said…
Thanks for the reminder, Nathan!
I needed that!

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